Terrell Owens 3 siblings: Meet Latasha Scales, Victor Stowes & Sharmaine Stowes

Latasha Scales is Owens’ older sister. She was born in 1971 to Owens’ mother, Marilyn Heard, and her first husband, James Scales. Latasha is a single mother who raised her two children on her own. She works as a nurse.

Victor Stowes is Owens’ younger brother. He was born in 1975 to Owens’ mother, Marilyn Heard, and her second husband, Victor Stowes. Victor is married and has two children. He works as a truck driver.

Sharmaine Stowes is Owens’ younger sister. She was born in 1977 to Owens’ mother, Marilyn Heard, and her second husband, Victor Stowes. Sharmaine is married and has three children. She works as a teacher.
