Sinclair Ferguson Bio, Age, Family, Ministry, Books, Quotes and Interview

Sinclair Ferguson Biography

Sinclair Ferguson is a Scottish theologian popular for Reformed Christian circles for his teaching, writing, and editorial work. He is also Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary since 2017, commuting from Scotland where he is an assistant minister at St. Peter’s Free Church of Scotland.

Sinclair Ferguson Age

Sinclair was born Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson in 1948. He was born and raised in Scotland. He is 70 years old as of 2018.

Sinclair Ferguson Family

No information on his parents or siblings is revealed to the public. He has kept this field private.

Sinclair Ferguson Wife

He is married to Dorothy Ferguson.

Sinclair Ferguson Children

No information on his children is disclosed to the public. He has kept this field private.

Sinclair Ferguson Educational Background

Sinclair received his Ph.D. from Aberdeen University and served as a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1971 to 2005, when he was transferred to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, serving as the Senior Pastor of Columbia’s historic First Presbyterian Church, South Carolina. He served with the Truth Trust Banner as an editor and served as a minister at St George’s-Tron Church, Glasgow.

Sinclair Ferguson Ministry

Sinclair speaks at numerous conferences worldwide

Sinclair Ferguson Books

The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, & Gospel Assurance–Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters
The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction
Name above All Names
Deserted by God
The Grace of Repentance (Redesign)
By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes me
In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life
John Owen: The Man and His Theology
The Preacher’s Commentary – Vol. 21 – Daniel
Faithful God – An exposition of the book of Ruth
John Owen on the Christian Life
New Dictionary of Theology (Master Reference Collection)
Grow in Grace

Sinclair Ferguson Quotes

“Yes, people will tell us they believe in a “God of love.” But they are self-deceived, and their lives reveal it. They neither love Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength in return, nor do they worship Him with zeal and energy. The truth is that their mantra “My God is a God of love” is a smokescreen, a phantasm of their imagination. Underneath it all is a deep mistrust of God—otherwise, why not yield the whole of life in joyful abandon to whatever He says or asks?”

“The work of atonement took place in the presence of the God of heaven. Indeed, it involved a transaction within the fellowship of the persons of the eternal Trinity in their love for us: the Son was willing, with the aid of the Spirit, to experience the hiding of the Father’s face. The shedding of the blood of God’s Son opened the way to God for us (Acts 20:28). That is both the horror and the glory of our Great High Priest’s ministry.

“Underline this thought: assurance, peace, access to God, knowledge that He is our Father, and strength to overcome temptation all depend on this-the Son of God took our flesh and bore our sins in such a way that further sacrifice for sin is both unnecessary and unintelligible. Christ died our death, and now in His resurrection He continues to wear our nature forever, and in it He lives for us before the face of God. He could not do more for us than He has done; we need no other resources to enable us to walk through this world into the next.
You and I need a Savior who is near us, is one with us, understands us. All of this the Lord Jesus is, Hebrews affirms. Fix your gaze on this Christ and your whole Christian life will be transformed.”

“The knowledge of our union with Christ…gives us confidence in prayer. It was when Jesus had begun to expound the closeness of this union that he also began to introduce the disciples to the true heart of prayer. If Christ abides in us and we abide in him, as his word dwells in us, and we pray in his name, that God hears us (Jn 15:4-7). But all of these expressions are simply extensions of the one fundamental idea: If I am united to Christ, then all that is his is mine. So long as my heart, will and mind are one with Christ’s in his word, I can approach God with the humble confidence that my prayers will be heard and answered.”

“Such contentment is never the result of the momentary decision of the will. It cannot be produced merely by having a well-ordered and thought-through time- and life-management plan calculated to guard us against unexpected twists of divine providence. No, true contentment means embracing the Lord’s will in every aspect of His providence simply because it is His providence. It involves what we are in our very being, not just what we do and can accomplish.”

“I am not asking you to do that because the tree is ugly—actually it is just as attractive as the other trees. I don’t create ugly, ever!11 You won’t be able to look at the fruit and think, That must taste horrible. It is a fine-looking tree. So it’s simple. Trust me, obey me, and love me because of who I am and because you are enjoying what I have given to you. Trust me, obey me, and you will grow.”

“Confessional orthodoxy coupled with a view of a heavenly Father whose love is conditioned on his Son’s suffering, and further conditioned by our repentance, leads inevitably to a restriction in the preaching of the gospel. Why? Because it leads to a restriction in the heart of the preacher that matches the restriction he sees in the heart of God!”

“growing in faith and love for Christ, revealed as He is in Scripture, will be the greatest of all preservatives against being led astray. The person who is saturated in the teaching and spirit of the Gospels will have his or her senses “trained … to distinguish good from evil” (Heb. 5:14, NIV) and to know what is truly Christ-like and Christ-honoring.”

Sinclair Ferguson Net Worth

As of 2019, his net worth is under review.

Sinclair Ferguson Interview

Interview with Sinclair Ferguson & Chris Larson
