The Meaning Behind The Song: Eugenio Salvador Dali by Mecano


I am listening to the song “Eugenio Salvador Dali” by Mecano as I write this article. The catchy tune and poetic lyrics have always fascinated me. In this article, I will explore the meaning behind the song and how it pays homage to the great Spanish artist, Salvador Dali.

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The Lyrics

The song “Eugenio Salvador Dali” starts off with the lines “Dalí se desdibuja, Tirita, Su burbuja, Al desconfiar latidos.” These lines translate to “Dali is fading away, He trembles, His bubble, Distrusting heartbeats.” Here, the lyrics depict Dali losing his identity and becoming unsure of his creative inspiration.

The song continues with the lines “Dalí se decolora, Porque esta lavadora, No distingue tejidos.” Meaning “Dali is discolored because this washing machine does not distinguish fabrics.” This metaphorical representation suggests that Dali’s art might be losing its uniqueness in a world that fails to appreciate its nuances.

As the song progresses, it emphasizes the notion that geniuses should not die, highlighting Dali’s impact as an artist. “Los genios no deben morir, Son más de ochenta, Los que curvan tu osamenta” translates to “Geniuses should not die, There are at least eighty, Who bend your bones.” This line emphasizes the immortality of artistic brilliance.

The Genius and The Madman

The lyrics also play with the notion that there is a fine line between genius and madness. The song goes, “Bigote rococó, De donde acaba el genio, A donde empieza el loco” which translates to “Rococo mustache, Where the genius ends, And the madman begins.” This line encapsulates the delicate balance between Dali’s creative brilliance and his eccentricity.

The song continues to describe Dali’s imaginative world, “Mirada deslumbrada, De donde acaba el loco, A donde empieza el hada” meaning “Dazzling gaze, Where the madman ends, And the fairy begins.” This line portrays Dali’s ability to transform madness into enchanting creativity, blurring the line between reality and fantasy.

A Tribute to Salvador Dali

The song “Eugenio Salvador Dali” serves as a profound tribute to the artist. Dali’s unique artistic style, blending realism and surrealism, is captured in the lyrics, “Realista y surrealista, Con luz de impresionista, Y trazo impresionante” translating to “Realistic and surrealistic, With impressionistic light, And impressive stroke.”

The song continues to describe Dali’s eccentricity and his ability to mix the mystical with the mundane. The line “En tu paleta mezclas místicos ascetas, Con ballonetas y con tetas” meaning “On your palette, you mix mystical ascetics, With balloons and with breasts.” This line highlights Dali’s unconventional approach to art, combining religious and erotic imagery.

A Call for Reincarnation

The song delivers a powerful message by urging Dali to reincarnate. “Si te reencarnas en cosa, Hazlo en lápiz o en pincel, Y Gala de piel sedosa, Que lo haga en lienzo o en papel” translates to “If you reincarnate into something, Do it as a pencil or a paintbrush, And Gala with silky skin, Let her do it on canvas or paper.” This line suggests that the world needs more geniuses like Dali, who can bring their imaginative creations to life.

The song concludes with the plea, “Que andamos justos de genios, Eungenio Salvador Dalí” meaning “We are short of geniuses, Eungenio Salvador Dali.” This line emphasizes the longing for the artistic brilliance that Dali embodied and encourages his reincarnation.


“Eugenio Salvador Dali” by Mecano beautifully captures the essence of Salvador Dali’s artistic genius, his eccentricity, and the desire for his artistic legacy to live on. The lyrics serve as a homage to Dali, blending realism, surrealism, and poetic imagery to express the profound impact and eternal presence of the legendary artist. Listening to this song truly evokes a sense of awe and admiration for Dali’s unique contributions to the world of art.

Album title: Unknown
